A Special Invitation for Coaches, Therapists, Counselors, Teachers, Practitioners and Other Healers…

“Discover How to Easily Incorporate Hypnotherapy Into Your Business to Achieve Better, Faster and More Sustainable Results With Your Clients – and Empower Yourself to Connect to Higher Consciousness”

Attend Quantum Edge Healing Institute’s FREE Informational Teleseminar,

Hypnotherapy Mastery:
Better Serve Your Clients, Grow Your Business and Deepen Your Connection with Consciousness

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February 21, 2017
6 p.m. PT | 9 p.m. ET








With Evelyn Apostolou and Christy Whitman

Register now to discover:

  • How hypnotherapy works – and why it’s so effective at everything from overcoming self-limiting beliefs to achieving new levels of success to healing emotional trauma.(Research shows as little as 6 hypnotherapy sessions produce recovery rates of 93% or higher.)
  • Why savvy coaches, therapists, counselors, teachers, practitioners, healers, and even business managers incorporate hypnotherapy into their work – and the easiest way to do it. (We’ll share 27 top benefits of using hypnotherapy with the people you support … and reveal how it will support your personal growth and healing, as well.)
  • Why cutting-edge scientists and medical doctors recommend hypnotherapy to overcome trauma, achieve goals and unleash potential. (Plus, you’ll discover how hypnotherapy differs from – and compliments – other therapies such Neuro-Linguistic Programming … Emotional Freedom Technique, Time Line Therapy, Past Life-Regression, and Transformational Healing Methods.)
  • How the process of working with energy via hypnotherapy will help you tap into the flow of consciousness, expand your abundance and remove the blocks that are limiting your success as a healer. (The “hidden” benefit of mastering this healing modality is that the more shifts and healing you experience … the more powerfully you can support others in your life. It will astonish you – we promise!)
  • How to earn certification as a hypnotherapy practitioner in as little as 6 months with Evelyn’s personal guidance. (We’ll share full details about the Hypnotherapy Mastery Course … and how you can save over 20% on your tuition.)

If you want to help others break through their subconscious limitations, achieve their goals with less effort, and experience mental and emotional healing… register now to discover whether hypnotherapy certification is right for you.

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Christy Whitman International, Inc.
10115 E. Bell Road, Ste 107 #417 - Scottsdale, AZ 85260
(888) 551-3121 - support@christywhitman.com

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