Deliberate Creation Guide

From Christy Whitman


Most People Struggle to Attract What They Really Want – Discover What to Do Instead

Deliberately Design Your Awesome Future in 3 Easy Steps

Deliberately Design Your Awesome Future in 3 Easy Steps

Master the Cutting-Edge Secret to Manifest Your Dream Life
Quickly, Easily and Exactly As You Envision

Limited Time Offer » Get the Downloadable Guide for Just $7


Dear Friend,

If you struggle to believe that your life could ever be better...

Or if you can picture your "dream" life, but can't seem to make it happen no matter what you do...

This may be the most important letter you've ever read.

Because not only do I know the real reason you're being blocked from achieving the "having it all" life you want so badly...

I've also created a guide that explains why visualization isn't enough to manifest your deepest desires – and the 3 steps you must take instead to connect with the future self who is already living your dream.

(That's right! Somewhere in this universe, you're already living your dream life. When you connect with that future version of you, you can make your dream a reality – quickly!)

This downloadable blueprint is for anyone who wants to be the author of your own life ... and create exactly what you want financially, emotionally, physically, socially and spiritually – without having to work harder.

In this 58-Page Guide You'll Discover...

  • The biggest challenge you must overcome to create your amazing future ... it's on Page 8
  • The 3-step process to connect to the future version of yourself who is already living your "having it all" life ... it's on Page 11
  • What to do if life isn't working the way that you want – or expect... it's on Page 14
  • Why connecting to your future self is so important to manifesting what you want quickly and easily ... it's on Page 17
  • What quantum physics has to do with manifestation ... it's on Page 19
  • The 3 important aspects of connecting with your future self – and why you need all 3 ... it's on Pages 25-29
  • How to start designing the exact future you want to experience ... it's on Page 30
  • The fastest, smartest and easiest way to deliberately design and create your awesome future... it's on Page 38

These Are the Exact Secrets I Used ...

... to go from being buried in debt, 30 pounds overweight, alone and unemployed...

To running a multi-million-dollar company that allows me to live my passion, being married to the love of my life, being a fit and fabulous size 4, mothering two amazing sons – and enjoying financial freedom!

Thousands of clients around the world have used the principles I'll give you in Deliberately Design Your Awesome Future in 3 Easy Steps to transform every aspect of their lives. It'll work for you, too!

Let me show you exactly what you need to do to:

  • Recognize your power as a deliberate creator so you can manifest anything you want, in any area of your life
  • Connect with the future version of you who is already living your dream life (vs. the one who is living a nightmare)
  • Avoid the common mistakes that most people make when trying to manifest their "having it all" life
  • Experience more peace, joy and love in the present moment, without getting dragged down by your past or worried about your future
  • Tune into the wisdom and guidance your future self is sending you ... so you can achieve your dreams with minimal time and effort

I remember what it's like to want to dream of a better future ... but not be able to turn those dreams into a reality.

That's why I'm so excited to share this content with you. It's going to help you solve the "how do I experience more of what I really want – and less of what I don't?" problem forever!

Loaded with useable content, tips, strategies and how-to information, this beautiful, color, step-by-step downloadable guide is just $7 – so download your copy instantly here.

I promise that you'll love this step-by-step guide on connecting with your future self to easily manifest anything you want, in any area of life.

But if you're not thrilled with this downloadable training guide for any reason (even the font I used!), I'll refund your $7 and you can keep the downloadable blueprint anyway.

That's fair, don't you think?

Yes, I want to discover how to
Deliberately Design My Awesome Future in 3 Easy Steps!

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Imagine and enjoy,

Christy Whitman

P.S. I've packed this downloadable guide with ideas and strategies you can put to work immediately to start connecting with the future self who is already living your "having it all" life.

Get it now for just $7 – I promise you'll be thrilled with your investment or I'll refund every penny. Download your copy here.